Friday, December 12, 2008

comment on "High ho, Controversy, away!" on the blogspot Political View:...don't ask. I found your post very interesting. I happen to be a gun lover myself and agree that "the idea of strict gun control is ludicrous". I also grew up around guns. I lived on a farm and my father used guns as a means of protection from preying animals or unwelcomed people. I know the damage guns could do. My father believed in the second amendment as I do. My children know what a gun can do. I believe educating children about guns might help in some of the "accidents". Adults and parents have the responsbility to educate these children. You are right criminials are not going to purchase a gun legally. It is faster and cheaper for them to buy a gun illegally where it is difficult to track. I found the FBI Crime Index Report interesting as it states that 1.8 of 10,000 police officers are arrested every year. If peace officer can't be trusted who can? I praise the Supreme Court for declaring individual's rights to bare arms.

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