Friday, December 12, 2008

comment on Political View:...don't ask.

comment "Why I'm Pro-Choice. Logic."Your post is full of information and I especially like the example you used (Dan, his wife, and Victor) to try to get us to understand that abortion and murder are two separate issues. I dought that a pregnant female is thinking what degree of murder am I committing. That is usually shouted out by the anti-abortion groups. Why do people have to get so emotionally involved in something that is so personal and according to Roe v. Wade it is still legal to get an abortion in the first trimester. Then in the second and third trimester the state has adopted restrictions. And you're right we can't even agree when life begins at conception or at birth. Physicians should not be punished for performing abortions in a safe environment. As you stated that a woman is scared, sad, and distraught before an abortion so how can she be malicious? I agree with you that abortion should be kept legal so the states can regulate and put guide lines on this very sensitive and personal issue.

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