Friday, October 3, 2008

Legal Immigration? Anybody?

"trouble passing a simple law to smooth out a serious kink in the legal immigration pipeline." States an editorial in the opinion section of the New York Times. Of course the editorial is talking about Congress. Politicians claim to love immigrants but their actions are anti-immigration. The editorial says that Congress allows or approves "a certain number" of permanent visas or better known as green cards each year but many cards are unclaimed due to "bureaucratic delays". This prevents immigrants from jobs and separates families. According to the editorial the legal immigration process can take years or "even decades for applicants from some countries,". "Teachers, nurses, engineers, researchers and other aspiring immigrants who follow the rules, file their paperwork, pay their fees and wait- and wait- get the chilly message that they are not wanted. Some of them feel great pressure to go illegally around the immigration system, instead of through it, as their wait to rejoin their loved ones becomes intolerable." I don't know that it is fair to make this statement because these professionals aren't the only ones who are coming to our country. What about the immigrants who are working in the lawn care business or construction sites, are they not worthy? The editorial goes on to state how some members of Congress, Representative Steve King, Republican of Iowa wants to add amendments. One example is that only immigrants younger than 40 years old and with some college degree be granted green cards. "Another would have eliminated an entire category of family visas, for siblings of citizens." Overall I have to say that for the best interest of the country it is wise to allow educated immigrants into our country.

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