Friday, October 31, 2008

Sarah Palin and the Priceless Wardrobe

The Republican Nation Committee has spent about $150,000 to clothe and accessorize vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin. According to about $49,000 was spent at Saks Fifth Avenue in St. Louis and New York. Her shopping spree at Neiman Marcus in Minneapolis came to a grand total of about $75,000. The Republican Nation Committee refers to these expenses as "itemized coordinated expenditures". The expenditures have occurred since September. She has spent $150,000 in about a month. About $5,000 was spent to have her hair and makeup done. "It was always the intent that the clothing go to a charitable purpose after the campaign." states spokeswoman Tracey Schmitt. I should be outraged but I'm not. Palin is the best dressed woman to enter the political arena. I would expect the first woman vice presidential candidate to "dress to impress". It is absolutely more expensive to dress a woman. Palin has to dress respectfully. She has to remain feminine without exposing herself. She has to be professional and not intimidating. Palin is choosing basic colors, no large floral prints or bulky jewelry. The public is critical of females fashion choices. Hillary Clinton's wardrobe is nothing to be desired. What is up with her hair? Hillary needs to let Sarah make her over. I'm not bad mouthing Hillary just comparing fashion styles. Palin is shopping at the trendy and higher end stores but she is "dressing" the part of the next vice president. As with any job, your attire should reflex the position you hold. I look forward to seeing what Sarah Palin will be wearing November 4, 2008. With so many issues effecting our nation Palin's wardrobe should be last on the list.

1 comment:

Jillian said...

Maria’s commentary on “Sarah Palin and the priceless wardrobe” was an informative piece that highlighted Maria’s discontent with the media raping that Sarah Palin received for her $150,000 wardrobe. When Maria mentioned Hilary Clinton’s wardrobe I remembered how often I heard about her pantsuits when she was in the running. It seemed as if every time her name came up – somebody said “oooh I like those sexy pantsuits” jokingly or “she is definitely a dike, she just married Bill for his connections.” When applying for a job one is supposed to dress the part. (Especially a position in the public eye) In order for you to vote for Sarah Palin for Vice President, you have to picture her as a vice president. If she were to have toured the country in her sweaters with moose sewn on the front she wouldn’t have been taken seriously. I am not sure why Maria said, “I should be outraged, but I am not” yet goes on to talk about the benefits of Palin’s stylish eye. I don’t understand why anyone was outraged. Millions of dollars go into making commercials. Imagine how much money has been spent just to make sure that the Sunny D looks glowing. Palin is selling herself, it is only logical that she would need to spend money to look her best. I agree with Maria that Palin was simply trying to look vice presidential.