Friday, October 17, 2008

Media Matters: Loose Ends

Jamison Foser, executive vice president of the political blog Media Matters, states that a prominent media figure finally asked McCain about his relationship or connection to Gordon Liddy. Who? Not Cnn or the New York Times. None other than David Letterman. According to the editorials some Americans get their news from late night comedians which he adds this could be a "good thing". Foser writes that Letterman broke the media's embargo on questioning McCain's relationship with Liddy and how reporters downplayed the story or did minimal coverage. Foser states this is "the clearest double standards" in resent political history. The media has worked itself into a "frenzy" in regards to the relationship between Senator Obama and William Ayers. The editorial gives us examples of how the media can be one sided. Mark Halperin of Time's wrote how Letterman "hound[ing]" McCain over his Ayers attacks yet failed to mention how Letterman tried to confront McCain about his relationship with Liddy. Foser has linked an MSNBC clip of McCain on Letterman but doesn't show the Libby exchange. I seen the Letterman show so I don't feel Letterman was hounding McCain as the media was trying to portray. Foser provided data to support his claim that the media can and is at times biased.

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